Weeks ago, I was given with a task to import bunch of HTML files into Zendesk Forum as articles. As there were thousands of files and it’s tough to copy paste them manually. I got to know that Zendesk offers a rich set of API’s to manage Forum and it’s contents. I have created a Python script to import bunch of offline HTML files into Zendesk Forum creating Topics/articles in a Forum under Categories
We can perform either of the following features in Forum section.
List Forums
Show Forum
Create Forum
Update Forum
Delete Forum
Example request available in the Zendesk developers page is using curl.
curl https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/topics.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -u email:password -X POST -d '{"topic": {"forum_id": 79161, "title": "My Topic", "body":"This is some code", "topic_type": "articles", "access": "logged in users" }'
The above example had a limitation of adding HTML code into<code>, which is impossible when we had thousands of files to be uploaded. Thus I wrote a Python script tweaking the above example, so that I can refer an external file to fetch HTML contents and import it as an individual Topic.
Source can be found here..
To know more, visit http://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/rest_api/forums.html for the list of possible JSON requests available in Zendesk.